Social Communication Specialist with over 44 years of experience…
Learn how to read your child from the INSIDE out so that you will know how to support them from the OUTSIDE in.
Rosslyn Delmonico, M.A., (RSLP, CCC-SLP) has been a Speech-Language Pathologist for over
44 years both within the private and public school systems and has had her own private practice
since 1991.
“I’ve been captivated by the topic of social communication and its impact on society for close to 20 of my 44 years in practice as a Speech Language Pathologist. My greatest joy, as a professional clinician, is found in supporting others (i.e. children, teens and adults) to discover their own social emotional competence and confidence; which can then allow them to thrive with resiliency that can last a lifetime.”
To book Rosslyn for a speaking engagement, please use the form below or contact her at 1-778-808-8917 with requests for bookings or for more information.
Rosslyn Delmonico,
Speech Language Pathologist, M.A., RSLP, CCC-SLP, is a public speaker and author
Phone: 1-778-808-8917
British Columbia, Canada
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“I’ve noticed several remarkable changes in Aden since he began using the Color My Conversation program with Rosslyn. The first significant change, and a real “a-ha” moment for Aden, was when he finally understood the importance of eye contact. This small detail changed everything for him. For the first time in his life, he began to engage with the people around him and, more importantly (to him) began to get friendly, interested responses in return.
For me, a huge encouragement has been the feedback I’ve received from many of my friends, most of whom do not know that Aden is receiving any kind of therapy. Several have taken the time to seek me out to tell me that they’ve seen a real change in him. They’ve told me of the great conversations they’ve had – and most have commented that this is something very new in their relationship with him. Some have been a little more blunt and have told me he… doesn’t talk nonsense anymore, and they feel that they can really talk to him now and meet the real Aden

Social and Emotional Literacy Skills
Social and emotional literacy skills are vital components in achieving academic, social and vocational success. The development of social and emotional literacy traditionally occurred within family circles where children learned these skills by watching and imitating...
CONVERSATION CORNER Tips and Strategies for Color My Conversation
The lessons within Color My Conversation (CMC) have been written chronologically with one concept building on another! Having said that, as the Conversation Coach, you have the liberty to pull later teaching concepts forward into earlier lessons in order to make the...