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I’ve noticed several remarkable changes in Aden since he began using the Color My Conversation program with Rosslyn. The first significant change, and a real “a-ha” moment for Aden, was when he finally understood the importance of eye contact. This small detail changed everything for him. For the first time in his life, he began to engage with the people around him and, more importantly (to him) began to get friendly, interested responses in return.

For me, a huge encouragement has been the feedback I’ve received from many of my friends, most of whom do not know that Aden is receiving any kind of therapy. Several have taken the time to seek me out to tell me that they’ve seen a real change in him. They’ve told me of the great conversations they’ve had – and most have commented that this is something very new in their relationship with him. Some have been a little more blunt and have told me he doesn’t talk nonsense anymore, and they feel that they can really talk to him now and meet the real Aden.

One mother of children with severe relational issues sought me out to ask me what I had done. Whatever it was, she wanted it! It really isn’t an exaggeration to say this program has begun to change Aden’s life. He has confidence, he is able to engage in one to one conversation, and AMAZINGLY he has friends for the first time ever. In the past, kids have avoided him and refused his invitations to hang out in our home because they found him odd and hard work; but now they actively seek him out and respond to his social invitations. As a mother, there are no words to describe what it’s like to see your desperately lonely, socially awkward (formerly) child interact with friends for the first time.

We love Color My Conversation.

Parent Letter

I have a child with Autism… he had no idea how to act appropriately with his peers. He did not possess the tools to properly initiate conversation with people. He was unable to express himself through words or facial recognition. In a nutshell – he was a grumpy looking, unapproachable boy who estranged himself from people through hyper-focusing on books and self interest.

We were referred to Rosslyn through a friend because I was having anxiety about Martin having difficulty transitioning into the next level of school and social obligation (high school). Rosslyn worked hard with Martin that summer. Through Color My Conversation, he was given the tools to initiate basic conversations, introduce preferred topics and use proper eye contact and body language. The pivotal point was when he was able to show emotion through facial expressions, which he had very much struggled with. With all of this, he was able to transition into high school in a socially acceptable manner, which enabled him to make friends, and excel profusely.

I know for a fact that Martin would not be the same person socially, emotionally and in general if it were not for Rosslyn and Color My Conversation. Martin is proud to be graduating this year, with full academic credits, and is looking forward to continuing his education within the culinary arts.

Parent Letter

My son has been working with Rosslyn and Color My Conversation for several sessions. He is a child with moderate to high functioning autism. He also struggles with anxiety/selective mutism and possibly some issues with executive function. Since we started using this program, he has made wonderful progress in the area of learning how to converse. CMC employs a lot of kinesthetic activities, namely the “Conversation Path”, which have been key in helping him grasp new concepts and become confident in using them. I highly recommend this program for children experiencing challenges in these areas. The wealth of hands-on material is so helpful!

We have also found that our son has become much more inspired to initiate conversations with others. This is especially evident as a result of the ‘who, what, where, when & why’ questions that we practice. Now that he has learned how to use the ‘WH’ questions, he has a mental reference to know how to start up a discussion with someone.

Most recently, he has started initiating topics of conversation and is doing so without any prompting. Comments that previously would have never happened such as, “So what do you think of the weather today ?” or “How was grocery shopping this afternoon?” have recently been brought up.

He is also becoming more comfortable with responding when others greet him – he is learning tools on how to navigate conversation.

Parent Letter

As a Behavioural Consultant, who provides developmentally-responsive intervention and supports to families, children, youth and care teams, I have been able to see the direct and significant impact of Color My Conversation (CMC) for teens.

CMC provided clear and concrete abilities to support social communication, but most importantly it supported strong relational connections with others. I saw a neurologically and developmentally complex youth grow in both their abilities and confidence to connect with peers, friends and supportive personnel. CMC also allowed for us, as supportive professionals, to easily use the materials and it can be beneficial for whole families. It was amazing to witness the transformation this youth experienced in their social communication abilities ~ they shone!”

Elizabeth McWilliams Hewitt

Behavioural Consultant

As a teacher, I’m concerned about how technology is over-riding the conversational skills of all children. Color My Conversation brings us back to the roots of how to communicate effectively face to face. It has the potential to powerfully impact our next generation of children. This cutting edge program can revolutionize the teaching methods/techniques that teachers are currently using in their curriculum.

M. H. - Classroom Teacher

I used the Color My Conversation kit with my International Students in the Secondary School and it was a real hit.

Many of the students didn’t know how to have a Short Conversation (chitchat). For example many of them previously would just answer the question, “How are you?” with “good” and that was the end of the conversation. Using the stepping-stones and ball from CMC provided great visual prompt for them to learn how to do chitchat. It built momentum into the conversations.

I could write the written prompts on the stones. As they walked along the path, these prompts gave them the words/choices/examples to consider when having the chitchat.

The students felt a sense of accomplishment. They practiced their Short Conversations many times throughout the days/weeks without the use of the prompts once they understood what this type of conversation should look like.

The emotion cards were helpful to show the students how to self manage their own facial expressions and how to read the facial expressions of others.

The students hadn’t realized that (in our culture) we show emotions that match how we feel. To teach this, we sat in a circle and passed around emotions cards that we then labeled. We then practiced making those faces and discussed them (i.e. smiling, eye contact, nodding, etc. – things that may not be done naturally for them).

The kit provides all of the tools and there are so many ways that you can improvise their use; depending on the age group and ELL levels of the students.

I also used it to teach a secondary student how to have a Long Conversation. The picture cards helped to build her vocabulary. At the same time, she learned how to carry on a longer conversation.

I love Color My Conversation. I think that the kit gives you so many options to teach a skill that is being lost and barely developed in children/adults today because everyone is using way too much technology.

M.F. - English Language Learning Teacher Uses CMC with High School Aged International Students

I am so excited to present this resource to my staff…to help their students improve their communication skills in a fun and effective way!

N. U. - Classroom Teacher

This unique program moves beyond social stories and scripts. It provides interventionists with a useful tool for treating children and young adults who struggle to navigate the complexity of socially appropriate conversations… flexible and multi-sensory program!

S.W. - Speech-Language Pathologist